Analog electronics



  • Purpose: to acquire basic knowledge and skills required to analyse analog electronic circuits at different levels of abstraction.
  • Contents: amplifier models, small-signal models, analysis of basic circuits with opamps and with transistors (CE, CB and CC circuits, cascode, differential pair, current mirrors, power amplifiers operaqting in class A, B, AB) (see also ECTS-fiche).
  • Prerequisites: linear systems and circuits with passive components (knowledge and skills), transistor models, using circuit simulator and spreadsheet.

  • Evaluation: labwork, written exam (two parts: exercices with open book, theory with closed book).

and links

  • Lectures: odd semesters, monday 10h00 and friday 11h30.
  • Exercises: odd semesters, friday 14h30
  • Practica: odd semesters, friday from 14h00 (ELIS, Technicum verd. -3)
  • Webapplication CASTr: circuit analysis trainer