Tobias Cromheecke

Tobias Cromheecke was born in Ghent on July 25, 1997. He obtained the degree Master of Science in Embedded Systems from KU Leuven in Ghent in 2020. He then pursued for Master of Science in Electrical Circuits and Systems at Ghent University, graduating in 2022. He received the IMEC Award for the Best Master’s Thesis in Electrical Engineering at Ghent University for the academic year 2021-2022 for his thesis titled "First-Order Hold Reconstruction Filter for a DAC." After his studies, Tobias joined the CAS research group (Depart. ELIS, UGent) as a PhD researcher, focussing on compact sensor readout architectures.


  • Design of Analog Circuits and Building Blocks



ir. Tobias Cromheecke
Ghent University
Department of Electronics and Information Systems (ELIS)
iGent - Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 126
9052 Zwijnaarde Belgium
Phone: +32 9 264 33 96